‘Close Calls’ Book Now Available For Pre-order


A novel technical diving book, “Shut Calls,” is now on hand for pre-enlighten.

The book is the work of Stratis Kas, with Edvardo Pavia and Michael Menduno. The book’s premise is unassuming and is a compilation of 68 interior most reports from a pair of of the field’s leading technical divers that aspects incidents that on the self-discipline of rate them their lives.

By acknowledging that a pair of of the legends of the community would maybe make errors that on the self-discipline of rate them dearly, any diver would maybe make these errors. By acknowledging this, customary divers change into even safer since if it will most likely happen to a memoir, it will most likely undoubtedly happen to them.

The book is on hand to pre-enlighten for €35/~US$40/~£30 and can retail at its customary tag of €40/~$47/~£34.5 from December 2020 on many online platforms.

Half of the book’s get profits will be donated to the Divers Alert Network Europe’s Claudius Obermaier Fund.

You doubtlessly can pre-enlighten your duplicate right here.

'Close Calls' Book Now Available For Pre-order
‘Shut Calls’ E book Now Within the market For Pre-enlighten

'Close Calls' Book Now Available For Pre-order 3

Sam Helmyhttps://www.deeperblue.com

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Trainer Coach, and PADI Physique of workers and Trimix Trainer. Diving for 28 years, a dive pro for 14, I in fact contain traveled broadly chasing my ardour for diving. I’m alive to about everything diving, with a alive to ardour in exploration, Sharks and mountainous stuff, Pictures and Decompression belief. Diving is basically the one and handiest ardour that has stayed with me my total life!