US Navy Scraps Brutal Tests After PETA Pressure


The US Navy has scrapped decompression tests performed on sheep.

The brutal tests were scheduled to continue for one other two years at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Nonetheless, the People for the Ethical Therapy of Animals despatched a letter to Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro urging the Navy to total all oxygen toxicity and decompression experiments on any living animals.

The letters and stress from PETA apply the discovery of the tense effects of the tests on the animals. These incorporated two sheep that needed to be euthanized in July 2022 after displaying “signs of discomfort” after a decompression test in 2022.

In conserving with PETA Vice President Shalin Gala:

“That sheep will no longer be pleased the lifestyles literally squeezed out of them in indecent and extinct decompression tests at UW-Madison is determined off for celebration. PETA is now calling on the Navy to limit such tests on all animals in pick on of correct, human-relevant overview.”

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Teacher Coach, and PADI Workers and Trimix Teacher. Diving for 28 years, a dive pro for 14, I in actuality be pleased traveled widely chasing my ardour for diving. I am concerned about everything diving, with a intelligent hobby in exploration, Sharks and substantial stuff, Photography and Decompression belief. Diving is smartly the one and easiest ardour that has stayed with me my total lifestyles! Sam is a Workers Author for