NAUI Introduces Two New Military Veterans Initiatives


NAUI has introduced the introduction of two armed forces-centric initiatives.

The map of every programs is to beget an even time the women and males people of the US armed forces and gives lend a hand as a thanks for their service and sacrifice. The 2 programs are:

  • NAUI Hero Certification Card Program: will offer 1,000 cramped version C-cards every quarter for a donation of $10 per card. The proceeds will then be donated to Non-earnings dedicated to supporting veterans. The significant beneficiary of this technique is the Pat Tillman Foundation.
  • NAUI and the Department of Protection SkillBridge Partnership enables service personnel to do civilian work ride in their final 180 days of service. Individuals who accept segment in this technique can preserve and work at 65 VA-authorized NAUI amenities worldwide.

You may maybe well electronic mail Ray Reneau from NAUI for more files here.

NAUI Introduces Two New Military Veterans Initiatives 3

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Instructor Trainer, and PADI Workers and Trimix Instructor. Diving for 28 years, a dive pro for 14, I truly beget traveled extensively chasing my passion for diving. I am smitten by every little thing diving, with a sharp passion in exploration, Sharks and big stuff, Pictures and Decompression conception. Diving is surely the one and perfect passion that has stayed with me my entire life!

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