The Dates For The 2021 Blue Water World Cup Have Been Announced


Palapas Ventana has presented the dates for the 2021 Blue Water World Cup spearfishing competitors.

Up to now, utterly the dates had been confirmed, with the occasion taking keep June 22-26, 2021 in Baja California, Mexico.

The early heads-up aims to offer spearos sufficient time to commence coaching and preparing for the wide occasion, which is regularly oversubscribed.

You’re going to be in a keep to contact Palapas Ventana for more files right here.

2021 Blue Water World Cup
2021 Blue Water World Cup

The Dates For The 2021 Blue Water World Cup Have Been Announced 3

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Trainer Trainer, and PADI Workers and Trimix Trainer. Diving for 28 years, a dive knowledgeable for 14, I basically have confidence traveled broadly chasing my passion for diving. I’m the whole lot diving, with a alive to hobby in exploration, Sharks and wide stuff, Images and Decompression concept. Diving is for droop the one and utterly passion that has stayed with me my entire existence!