DEMA Launches New Rewards Program


DEMA has presented the release of its novel rewards program.

Starting in 2023, this technique will reward contributors for their engagement with other contributors and the association. The usage of the novel program, contributors construct aspects which may per chance per chance additionally even be redeemed for various awards.

Easy concepts to Form & Use Your Reward Points

There are more than one concepts to construct DEMA reward aspects, at the side of:

  • Attending or exhibiting on the DEMA expose.
  • Talking on the DEMA expose, in an Exhibitor backed program.
  • Giving reduction by volunteering on DEMA committees, Process Forces, and the DEMA Board.
  • Early membership renewal in the first quarter of the year.
  • Balloting in the Diving Neighborhood Champions, Wave Makers awards, and the Board elections.

It’s doubtless you’ll presumably well presumably additionally redeem your aspects for many assets, at the side of:

  • DEMA reveals registration for personnel or personnel.
  • Promoting on eh DEMA expose app.
  • DEMA Membership renewals.
  • Exhibitor-backed seminar hours.
  • Additional predicament for fresh DEMA exhibitors.

The list isn’t very at all exhaustive, and DEMA will likely add novel concepts to construct and assert your aspects as time goes on.

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Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Teacher Coach, and PADI Workers and Trimix Teacher. Diving for 28 years, a dive educated for 14, I in fact possess traveled widely chasing my passion for diving. I’m enthralling about every part diving, with a enthralling passion in exploration, Sharks and expedient stuff, Photography and Decompression notion. Diving is for certain the one and handiest passion that has stayed with me my entire lifestyles!