Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation Scholarship Recipients Announced


The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation has launched the awards for its 2021 scholarships for Florida students and researchers.

The awards went to eight undergraduate students at faculties and universities in Florida. Every recipient bought $5,000 and a certificate designed and signed by Dr. Guy Harvey.

The 2021 winners are:

  • Florida Atlantic College: Brianna Cahill and Steven Lombardo
  • Florida Institute of Technology: Eloise Cave
  • Florida World College: Laura García Barcia
  • Florida Grunt College: Ashley Dawdy and Blake Hamilton
  • Novel School of Florida: Cecilia Hampton
  • College of South Florida: Jonathan Albert Peake

Commenting on the awards, Harvey acknowledged:

“This next expertise of shining minds is bringing us one step nearer to conception what it goes to care for to provide protection to Florida’s fragile marine atmosphere and make certain its sustainability. Through our ongoing beef up of marine analysis and by drawing attention to the crucial work of these students, the GHOF helps to safeguard a wholesome ocean ecosystem for generations to reach encourage.”

Purposes for the 2022 scholarships will delivery on April 1st and shut on June 1st, 2022. To gain a examine, move to the Florida Sea Grant web situation at

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Teacher Coach, and PADI Workers and Trimix Teacher. Diving for 28 years, a dive pro for 14, I gain traveled extensively chasing my ardour for diving. I am fervent about all the pieces diving, with a eager hobby in exploration, Sharks and gargantuan stuff, Photography and Decompression principle. Diving is smartly the one and easiest ardour that has stayed with me my entire lifestyles!