DAN 2021 Research and Safety Interns Announced


The Divers Alert Network has announced its 2021 Be taught and Safety Interns.

The five candidates will consume the following few months working with DAN and expanding their data and trip of dive security and examine.

Commenting on the new interns, DAN President and CEO Bill Ziefle acknowledged:

“I’m continuously impressed by the accomplishments and professionalism of the interns that come consume time with us right here at DAN. This year’s community is already demonstrating spectacular aptitude in the projects they’re alive to with in DAN Be taught and DAN Safety Providers and products. We’re contented they’re right here!”

The five interns for 2021 are:

  • Rhiannon Brenner: A passionate diver and Divemaster and most fresh UNC Wilmington graduate with a diploma in anthropology.
  • Grant Dong: A most fresh graduate from the College of Maryland with a diploma in physiology and neurobiology, he’s an active diver who changed into as soon as president of his college dive club and is a divemaster candidate.
  • Gabriel Graf: An active diver and eagle scout, Graf is finding out for a diploma in biochemistry and is a sophomore at Austin College in Sherman, Texas.
  • Benjamin Kistler: An generous start water diver who will graduate in the spring of 2020 from Indiana College Bloomington with a  diploma in Biology. Kistler plans on enrolling in medical college in the tumble.
  • Christine Tamburri: A passionate diver who contributed to expanding her college diving program; she is a most fresh graduate of Penn Order College with a diploma in geosciences.

DAN 2021 Research and Safety Interns Announced 3

Sam Helmyhttps://www.deeperblue.com

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Trainer Trainer, and PADI Workers and Trimix Trainer. Diving for 28 years, a dive professional for 14, I in actual fact devour traveled extensively chasing my ardour for diving. I’m obsessed with every little thing diving, with a eager interest in exploration, Sharks and immense stuff, Photography and Decompression idea. Diving is with out a doubt the one and easiest ardour that has stayed with me my complete existence!

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