Guy Harvey Announces Inaugural Scholarship Recipients


The Guy Harvey Foundation has announced the names of the recipients of its inaugural Legacy scholarship.

The Nova Southeastern College scholarships are a 4-three hundred and sixty five days draw at Florida College. They’re provided by the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation and the Florida Pay as you slip College Foundation to Florida resident graduating high college seniors. The scholarship is aimed at those with a keenness for marine science who draw to help Nova Southeastern College.

The four inexperienced persons winners of the inaugural NSU scholarship are:

  • Nicole Castro- A biology major from Miami.
  • Diana Phillips- A Marine Biology major from Largo.
  • Amar Singh- An Education and Computer Science major from Plantation.
  • Chad Walker- A Public Health Science Most considerable from Loxahatchee.

That you can perhaps accumulate out extra concerning the scholarships right here.

Guy Harvey Announces Inaugural Scholarship Recipients 3

Sam Helmy

Sam Helmy is a TDI/SDI Trainer Coach, and PADI Workers and Trimix Trainer. Diving for 28 years, a dive professional for 14, I even maintain traveled extensively chasing my passion for diving. I’m bearing in mind every thing diving, with a eager hobby in exploration, Sharks and sizable stuff, Pictures and Decompression theory. Diving is undoubtedly the one and ideal passion that has stayed with me my total life!