Alejandro Lemus Sets Freshwater CMAS Variable Weight World Record


Mexican freediver Alejandro Lemus this previous weekend assign a brand unusual freshwater CMAS world document in the Variable Weight (VWT) discipline in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Lemus dove via sled to 94 meters (308.4 feet) and swam support to the ground with a monofin, exceeding by 12 meters (39 feet) the document he assign the earlier day in the Cenote Ucil.

His strive used to be overseen by two CMAS judges: Colombian Jaime Moreno and Australian Cris McKay.

Test out a video of his world document dive under.


¡Otro di?a histo?rico, para el deporte subacua?tico de Me?xico y por segundo día se escribe una marca para el deporte de la apnea en México al batir de nuevo un document mundial de apnea CMAS en las ancestrales aguas Mayas de un cenote en el bello estado de Yucata?n! Acompa?n?enme al Xibalba? vamos al fondo! Unique World Epic CMAS contemporary water VWT -94mSecretari?a de Fomento Turi?stico, Gobierno del Estado de Yucata?n, Fundacio?n Bepensa, Paparazzi Valladolid, Instituto del Deporte del Estado de Yucata?n, Bonassi, Salvimar, Alemanni sub, Octopus Freediving FMAS CMAS FREEDIVING #CenotesRiquezaMX#LemusYucata?n#Me?xicoOrgullo2021#MysticWaters#WorldRecordMexico#yucatanescolor @lemusunderwaterschool @bonassi.genuine @sefotur_yuc @gobiernoyucatan @ideyoficial @cmasfreediving @cmasamerica @fundacionbepensa @octopus_freediving @salvimar.genuine @sdsyucatan @alemanniteam @yucatanturismo

Posted by Alejandro Lemus on Sunday, January 24, 2021

Alejandro Lemus Sets Freshwater CMAS Variable Weight World Record 3

John Liang

John Liang is the News Editor at He first got the diving bug while in Excessive College in Cairo, Egypt, where he earned his PADI Originate Water Diver certification in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, John has dived in a volcanic lake in Guatemala, among white-tipped sharks off the Pacific Flee of Costa Rica, and other areas along side a pool in Las Vegas helping to interrupt the field document for the commended underwater press convention.