3 Freediving World Records Set At 2020 Freediving European Cup


The CMAS Freediving European Cup in Kalamata, Greece has considered 4 modern Freediving World Data tumble.

  • Slovenian freediver Alenka Artnik field a 94m World Myth in Constant Weight Bi-Fins (CWTB)
  • French freediver Arnaud Jerard also field a 112m World Myth in Constant Weight Bi-Fins (CWTB)

There were also two Masters class World Data field.  This class used to be launched in 2019 to look records executed by Freedivers over 50.

  • French freediver Marc Lenoir field a 57m Free Immersion (FIM) Masters World Myth
  • French freediver Xavier Daru field a 60m Constant Weight Bi-Fins (CWTB) Masters World Myth

Extra runt print will even be display within the Facebook Submit under or on the Freediving Membership Greece Facebook Web whine.

Stephan Whelan

Stephan Whelanhttps://www.deeperblue.com

Stephan is the Founding father of DeeperBlue.com. His ardour for the underwater world began at 8 years-historical with a strive-dive in a resort pool on vacation that rapidly formulated into a lifelong adore affair with the oceans. In 1996 he field up DeeperBlue.com and helped develop the location to be one of a truly important diving web sites around this day.