Next Year’s DC Dive Show Will Be Virtual


The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the planning and the running of in-particular person events in all walks of industrial life, along side in-particular person scuba diving presentations.

To that pause, the DC Dive Point to, which held a honorable event this past February at the Washington DC Convention Center, will probably be going digital in 2021.

DC Dive Point to Producer Brian Miller changed into once taking a accept as true with forward to every other honorable in-particular person event in 2021:

“We had plans in the works for some time to virtualize allotment of the US Dive Presentations events. COVID-19 factual introduced these plans forward. For 2021 our most efficient providing will probably be a digital product.”

Miller said a digital indicate lets in for bigger reach than in-particular person presentations. By arrangement of the ranking, shoppers can meet, communicate and listen to other divers with out the hesitation a fresh diver also can honest if truth be told feel. Miller expects a stronger degree of hobby and interplay with a digital indicate.

He said US Dive Presentations will promote across markets that could well also honest were beneath-represented earlier than.

“We hope to involve divers from Texas, Tucson, Toledo and Tacoma. We can now reach Cleveland, Chicago, Charleston and Covington.”

US Dive Presentations will continue to focal point attention on the DC/Maryland/Virginia market, the house of the in-particular person DC Dive Point to.

Based on Miller:

“As soon as COVID is in the attend of us in 2022, Virtual US Dive Presentations will probably be added to our in-particular person events.”

The Virtual US Dive Point to will probably be held February 19-21, 2021. Tickets will probably be on hand starting in November 2020.

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John Liang

John Liang

John Liang is the Files Editor at He first got the diving malicious program while in Excessive School in Cairo, Egypt, the save apart he earned his PADI Open Water Diver certification in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, John has dived in a volcanic lake in Guatemala, amongst white-tipped sharks off the Pacific Waft of Costa Rica, and other areas along side a pool in Las Vegas helping to interrupt the area memoir for the largest underwater press conference.